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Meetings and Logging

My Weekly Meetings

Mass General Hospital

Every Thursday, I have a meeting with Dr. Gerstner in Simches Research Center about the project's progress so far. We discuss the work I have done, mostly regarding the images, and discuss the next steps for the project, as well as addressing any questions which may have arisen during the week. 

Beaver Country Day School

Along with my weekly visits to MGH, I also meet with Ms. Shah, my project advisor, every Friday. During our meetings, we discuss my current work so far, mainly focusing on the research I have done. We discuss opportunities for me to take my project a step further and how to refine my current work. As well as discussing my research work, we also discuss my daily and weekly logging about the progress I have made. 

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My Daily Logging

Every day, in order for my project Advisor, Ms. Shah, and I to keep track of my work, I would write a daily post . This post includes what I have accomplished and how it has brought me one step closer to my next goal. I also write about my next steps. This helps me organize my goals and work, which helps my project advisor stay up to date on my daily accomplishments

My Weekly Logging

As well as my daily log, I also write a weekly log every Thursday after meeting with Dr. Gerstner at MGH. Within this weekly log, I would write about what I did as well as what I learned and the progress I have made so far with the project as a whole. I write about my meeting with Dr. Gerstner and the bigger ideas I have for my project. 

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