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Part of the Organization of an Independent Project is Creating a rubric, or a few rubrics, for yourself on how you want to be graded as your project comes to an end.
Personally, I created multiple rubrics in order to be assessed at the close of my project. I decided to use the Global History Department's rubric as a template for how I wanted mine to look. After I reviewed this rubric, I pursued making my own. My rubrics consisted of assignments which I decided on with Ms. Shah such as a weekly blog post and assignments, as well as a final project.

The General Rubric

My first step was to create a general rubric off with sections I felt were important and necessary for a strong Independent Project

Weekly Assignment Rubric

As a way for my Project Advisor to keep up with my progress, both on my own and at MGH, I assignment myself weekly and Daily log assignments where everyday I would write about what I did that day and what I plan on doing the next. Within the weekly posts is where I was able to set my near as well as long term goals. With this, I made a rubric for, at the end of the term, my advisor to track my progress for consistency and other important factors

Final Project Rubric

Last, with all independent projects, one must have a completed piece of work. In order to sum up all the research and projects which I did within this project, I decided on creating this website to demonstrate the work which I have done. As the project continues into the next term, I will add to this website the things which are new to my knowledge and new to the research project at MGH.

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